Xuecai Ma's Homepage

    I'm a postdoctoral fellow at Westlake University. My research interests are algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, number theory and theoretical physics. You can find my CV and Research Statement here.

Email: xuecai.u.ma@foxmail.com



Research Papers

  1. (With Yifei Zhu)Spectral moduli problems for level structures and an integral Jacquet–Langlands dual of Morava E-theory




Notes and Slides

  1. Theory of Buildings and Applications in Number Theory

    ITS Postdoctoral Seminar, Hangzhou, China, 2024. PDF

  2. Derived Moduli Problems and New Cohomology Theories

    Workshop on Computer-assisted Research in Geometry and Topology, Kunming, China, 2024. PDF

  3. Analytic Geometry and Homotopy Groups of the $K(n)$-Local Sphere

    SUSTech Graduate Topology Seminar, 2024. PDF

  4. Derived Level Structures

    SUSTech Graduate Topology Seminar, 2024. PDF

  5. Formal Moduli Problems

    SUSTech Graduate Topology Seminar, 2023. PDF

  6. An Overview of Chromatic Homotopy Theory

    SUSTech Graduate Topology Seminar, 2022. PDF

  7. Methods of Spectral Algebraic Geometry in Chromatic Homotopy Theory

    SUSTech Graduate Topology Seminar, 2022. PDF